(ultra-high) vacuum.

Many high-tech systems, such as lithography machines and electron microscopes, use vacuum to run their processes optimally, without disturbance due to ‘pollution’ or unintended contaminant absorption. A vacuum, especially in the ultra-high region, entails special challenges, such as outgassing, bearings, sealing, cooling and clean working. Drawing upon our semiconductor experience, we develop (ultra-high) vacuum solutions for a wide variety of applications.


clean concepts, advanced facilities.

EUV, SEM and TEM as well as advanced cooling and other high-tech applications work with (ultra-high) vacuum. We apply our broad mechatronics, thermal and materials expertise for developing systems with (ultra-high) vacuum. We design effective seals and feed-throughs, have extensive knowledge of outgassing and vacuum-compatible materials, and use cleanroom facilities for clean system assembly. For systems with differently graded vacuum regions, we have developed various concepts that can provide a separation between the ‘contaminated’ and the ‘clean’ vacuum. With our dedicated in-house test set-up, we accelerate development of ultra-high vacuum solutions.


Barend Vermeulen

+31 (0)6 201 337 95

Contact us

“we are specialists in cooling and lubrication.”

We have the broad experience and multidisciplinary expertise required for designing (ultra-high) vacuum solutions. Among our specialisms are cooling and lubrication – in most cases, air bearings are not advised. To prevent thermal expansion from claiming the complete error budget, we devise ingenious concepts for extracting heat from the system when there is no conductivity and flow.

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